Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Freewrite about Blogging

The Movie Julie & Julia was very good. When I first saw the previews for it, I didn't think it looked to appealing, but it actually turned out to be very interesting. It's amazing how people begin to follow a blog. I don't know how the word gets out to everyone. I think it just started with her friends and family and eventually more and more people caught wind of what she was doing and began to follow. It would be really cool to be a professional blogger. I don't understand how you get that title or what it takes to become that, but it seems like it would be a fun, easy job. I do not know what I would want to blog about though. It would be fun to do the cooking and recipe thing for a year, but that would be a lot of work. It would be tough to keep up with the recipes while still having time for work and blogging about it. It would also probably be very expensive too. In the movie, she almost got fired because one day she missed work and the blog was basically the reason why. Although, Julie lied on her blog and said she didn't feel good, her boss was still suspicious and brought her into his office. It would be scary and quite unfair to be fired for what is written on your blog. I believe there is a line between what is appropriate and inappropriate to say on the web because everyone in the world can read it, but small things should not matter as long as it's respectful. Julie's blog was very respectful and didn't do anything but positive things. Other people may only have a blog because they want to bash someone, and that is very wrong. A blog is definitely not the right place to lash out and release your feelings about someone, even if it is anonymously. If there is a problem, it is best to confront the other person face-to-face rather than rant about it online.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Freewrite about Social Media

It is amazing how much the internet and media affects our lives. I didn't realize how much and how popular different social networks on the computer are. I was shocked to see how many people use Facebook and how it would be the 4th largest country in the nation, if it were a country. That means a lot of people are using Facebook. And Facebook isn't even the most popular website compared to a site that is used in China but I don't remember what the name of that is. I was also surprised to see how YouTube is the second most popular search engine. First off, I didn't realize that it was really considered a search engine although you do search for videos on there. I think Google is more of a search engine because there is so much more information to be given. YouTube has become popular over the years though. I don't remember it at all going through middle school and especially elementary school. The beginning says how it took 40 years for the radio to get as popular as what the social media is. It only took iPods 3 years. I don't know what else. I'm thinking. I'm still thinking. I'm not sure what else to write. The social media is very popular in the world. There was a statistic about something being more than the populations of some countries and I thought that was surprising, but I don't remember what the statistic was. I just know that at the time, I did not believe it when the video was saying it. The video was interesting but it would have been nice if the text was a little slow. I'm not that fast of a reader so I sometimes would miss the last few words of a statistic or sentence. I do not know what to type next. There is less than one minute left. I am almost done with this. The video was very interesting. It had a lot of views. There is a second Social Media Revolution video by the same person. It might have more cool facts to find out. I would watch it later if I had time. We are done very soon. I am not thinking of anything more to write. 5-4-3-2-1